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美国密歇根大学Chan SuiWah教授讲座通知

2012年04月20日 00:00 点击: 次 作者: 来源:

应兰州大学敦煌学研究所所长郑炳林教授的邀请,美国密歇根大学 Chan SuiWah 教授将于4月23日来我所讲学。
报 告 人:Chan  SuiWah 教授
Dr. Chan is a teacher and a consultant. He retired as a professor emeritus of medical education at the College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University. He has taught in a number of academic disciplines: applied mathematics, computer science, management information systems, strategic management, and educational administration. Over the last ten years he has taught a course on the history of Chinese culture including in particular Chinese writing system at the School of Education of University of Michigan.
He has a consulting practice in strategic management, data warehousing and mobile application technology. His clients include banking, telecom, manufacturing, health care and education.
He received his master and doctoral degrees from the University of Zurich, Switzerland and did his postdoctoral work at the German Federal Institute of Mathematics and Data Processing in Bonn. In 1968 he took up the professorial post for mathematics at Syracuse University in New York State where he also advised doctoral studies in education. At M.I.T. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) he acquired a master degree in management science in 1983.
Starting from 1983 he has lectured and provided consulting service to colleges and enterprises in China during summers. He has devoted much effort in promoting academic exchange between American community colleges and Chinese vocational colleges during the last two decades. These include projects sponsored by the World Bank, UNDP and the Midwest Institute, an American consortium of about 100 community colleges. Since 2000 he studied Chinese writing with special focus on the ancient oracle bone script. He has presented his latest research in an exhibit with a lecture series on "the Genesis of Chinese Writing and the Art of Calligraphy" that is now on tour at about 40 college campuses from 2010 till 2015 to tell the story of Chinese writing. His decade long work on pedagogy has led to the development of an easy-to-use iPad application for learning Chinese writing through etymology i.e. understanding the root meanings of the characters. Currently he is engaged in designing a new college with a world oriented curriculum for the 21st century. A curriculum that combines liberal arts and professional education.