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俄罗斯科学院东方文献研究所所长POPOVA Irina教授讲座通知

2012年11月19日 11:03 点击: 次 作者: 来源:

应兰州大学敦煌学研究所所长郑炳林教授的邀请,俄罗斯科学院东方文献研究所所长POPOVA Irina(波波娃)教授于20121117日至22日来我校访学,期间举行一场学术讲座,欢迎相关领域老师和学生积极参加!








附:POPOVA Irina教授简介



Since April 2003 - Director of Institute of Oriental Manuscripts (former St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies), Russian Academy of Sciences;

1997 – 2003 -  Academic Secretary of St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences;

1995 -1997 - Senior Researcher;

1992-1995  - Researcher;

1986-1992 -  Junior Researcher.


Since  2003 – Professor of the Oriental Faculty of St. Petersburg State University;

1996-2003 – Associate Professor of St. Petersburg State University.

Since 1995 –  member of the Expert Council for Scientific Degrees in History (St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS).

Since 2010 - Expert member of the UNESCO Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage of the World.



2000 – Doctor of History (doktor istoricheskikh nauk). Thesis subject: "The Theory of the State Rulership in the Early Tang China".

1988 – Ph. D. (candidate of historical sciences, kandidat istoricheskikh nauk). Thesis subject: «Rules for Emperors» («Di  fan») by Tang Taizong as a source on the Chinese Political Thought of the 7th Сentury»;


1983-1986 –  post-graduate student in the St. Petersburg  (Leningrad) Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences;

1978-1983 – student of Leningrad (St. Petersburg) State University, Oriental Faculty, Department of the History of Far East.


The main subjects of the current research:    Chinese history and historiography; political thought, government  and administrative system of pre-modern China; Tang studies; Dunhuang and Central Asian studies; history of academic science, textual studies; bibliography.


Visiting scholarship

December, 1997- March, 1998,   Visiting Scholar of the Center for Chinese Studies in Taipei (Taiwan);

January - May 2000 - Visiting Scholar in the Pennsylvania University, School of Arts and Sciences, Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Philadelphia, USA);

January, 2001 - Visiting Scholar of the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (Copenhagen, Denmark).


Membership in Editorial Boards: Periodicals: “Pis’mennye pamatniki Vostoka”  (“Writtem Monuments of the Orient”, Series “Strany i narody Vostoka” (“Countries and Peoples of Orient”). Encyclopedia “Dykhovnaya cultura Kitaya” (Russia); “Tulufan janjiu”, “Minzu guji janjiu”, “Zhongguo lishi gudai wenxian” (China),  Studia Orientalia Slovaca (University of Bratislava, Slovakia), “Shygys-Orient” (Kazakhstan).


Publications:  116 articles and 3 monographs. Including  In Chinese:

1.      Tang chu  zhengzhi sixiang tedian (Some peculiarities of the political thought of the Early T’ang China) // Hanxue yanjiu tongxun. 1998, No 66, pp. 256.

2.       [in cooperation with L.N.Menshikov]. Eluosi Dongfang yanjiuyuan zhongwen shouzang pin di shuzihua // Zhongwen shanben guji baocun baohu guoji yantaohui.  Canhui lunwen  jianpian. Beijing. 2001, pp. 141-142.

3.      俄羅斯科學院東方研究所聖彼得堡分所的中國藏品 // «中俄關係: 曆历史丶現實與未來» 國際會議 [International Conference: Russian-Chinese Relations in the Past and Future] Beijing, 2006, pp. 35-40.

4.      高宗天訓唐初政治思想 // 轉型期的敦煌學 [“Heavenly Instructions” by Gao-zong and Political Thought of the Early Tang Period] // 轉型期的敦煌學 (Dunhuang Studies at the Eve of Changes). Shanghai, 2007, pp. 221-229+faksimile (230-240).

5.      波羅的海地區東方研究學者与世界漢學 [The Orientalists of the Baltic Region and the World Sinology]. In: 漢學研究通訙 No 118. 2011,  pp. 1-7.
